Friday 18 December 2009

Monday's news: on Friday

Romania's constitutional court has confirmed Traian Basescu's re-election as president, turning down a rival's appeal for the vote to be quashed.
It had ordered 138,000 void ballots to be recounted after Mr Basescu won by a narrow margin of 70,000 votes.
Rival Mircea Geoana had called for the vote to be quashed, alleging fraud.
His Social Democrat party said it knew of 13,000 cases of multiple voting, and had received nationwide reports of bribery and vote-rigging.
"The constitutional court confirms that Mr Basescu is elected as president of Romania, having picked up the largest number of votes cast," said a statement released by the court.
"The court unanimously rejected a request by the Social Democratic Party to cancel the second round of voting held on 6 December."
Some 10.4m votes were cast from among 18m eligible voters in last weekend's presidential election.
Election observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe said the vote had generally met commitments made, but urged authorities to investigate reports of irregularities.
The confirmation of Mr Basescu's election win means a new prime minister can be appointed and a new government formed.
Romania has been run by a caretaker government since October.
The presidential election is Romania's first as a member of the European Union.
[from the BBC news here]

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