Wednesday 23 September 2009

charity: water & schools

School is officially back in full swing. At least it is for our kids.

But at half of all schools around the world, students are going to class without access to clean water.

No cold drinks at the water fountain.
No bathrooms.
No place to wash hands.

Millions of children with untold potential spend their mornings walking up to four hours to fetch water before school, then arrive to class late and exhausted. The water they find often makes them sick, causing them to miss even more valuable classroom time. Over the next few months, many students will fall too far behind in their studies to continue attending class.

We think that's a terrible cycle. A cycle that we're determined to break.

That's why this fall, we're launching Water for Schools, a student-led campaign to raise awareness and funds for water projects at schools in developing nations.

Last year, students from elementary schools and universities, swim teams and church groups raised over $160,000 to give water to schools in developing nations. This year as we launch the Water for Schools campaign, we're aiming to bring clean, safe drinking water, private latrines and hand-washing stations to at least 100 schools in developing nations in the first year.

It'll take $2 million to get there and we're going to need everyone's help to do it. In fact, you don't have to be a student to fundraise for clean water in schools. We've created a fundraising kit for all ages and it has everything you need to get started.

Clean water gives kids the opportunity to attend school and get an education. With education comes more opportunity and a chance for future generations to escape poverty. Clean water offers kids improved health, a better quality of life and hope for a brighter future.

Here's how you can help.

Students: start a campaign >
Parents: Ask your kids to sign up >
Teachers and school leaders: Sign up your school, group or team > or
write us here if you'd like to help us develop curriculum.

- the charity: water team

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