Wednesday 3 June 2009

Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province


Pakistan’s IDP Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities

Islamabad/Brussels, 3 June 2009: Unless relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) are urgently improved, the army’s offensive against the Taliban risks leaving the extremists the ultimate winners.

Pakistan’s IDP Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities,* the latest International Crisis Group policy briefing, examines the operations against religious militants in Malakand Division and their impact on internally displaced persons (IDPs) and local communities. The army’s use of heavy force, failure to address the full cost to civilians and refusal to allow effective humanitarian access to conflict zones has already been counterproductive. Public and political support for action against the Taliban could erode if civilian casualties are high and the response to IDP needs is inadequate. The government should create mechanisms to make aid distribution accountable to IDP communities, demand greater civilian oversight and humanitarian access, and prohibit banned jihadi groups from participating in relief efforts.

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